CGS Group S.R.L

Gastos Locales - Marítimo FCL Reefer

Local Charges - FCL Reefer Sea Freight



Cod. Item USD/20RF USD/40RH Base   Cod. Item USD/20RF USD/40RH Base
218 THC Destination 290 290 x Cntr   232 THC Origin 290 290 x Cntr
269 River Plate Toll Fee 125 125 x Cntr   269 River Plate Toll Fee 125 125 x Cntr
206 Logistic Fee (G) 50 + IVA 50 + IVA x Cntr   206 Logistic Fee (G) 50 + IVA 50 + IVA x Cntr
251 Gate Out (G) 50 + IVA 50 + IVA x Cntr   249 Gate In (G) 50 + IVA 50 + IVA x Cntr
225 Bill of Lading (G) 60 + IVA 60 + IVA x BL   225 Bill of Lading (G) 60 + IVA 60 + IVA x BL
960 Handling Destination (G) 60 + IVA 60 + IVA x Cntr   964 Handling Origin (G) 60 + IVA 60 + IVA x Cntr
260 Container Condition Guarantee (G) 50 + IVA 60 + IVA x Cntr   260 Container Condition Guarantee (G) 50 + IVA 60 + IVA x Cntr
291 Delivery Order (G) 60 + IVA 60 + IVA x Cntr   267 Container Seal (G) 25 + IVA 25 + IVA x Cntr
917 Arancel SIM (G) 35 + IVA 35 + IVA x BL            
Cod. Items Opcionales USD / 20' USD / 40' Base   Cod. Items Opcionales USD / 20' USD / 40' Base
227 BL Amendment (G) 125 + IVA 125 + IVA x BL   227 BL Amendment (G) 125 + IVA 125 + IVA x BL
            623 Telex Release (G) 75 + IVA 75 + IVA x BL
            299 Late Documental (G) 150 + IVA 150 + IVA x BL



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